Repeat a lie several times and it will seem to be true. According to Nature magazine, 125,000 years ago the sea level was five metres higher and the temperature was 6° C hotter. This happened when there was no significant CO2 emissions from humans.

Nowadays, we're being violently warned against this alleged global warming, that is to happen in a couple of centuries based on studies from 60 years back, while not even metereological previsions for the next day can be accurate. What's their point?

The United Nations wants to spread so-called 'reproductive rights' (contraception, sterilisation and abortion) in order to reduce the world's population for the sake of fighting global warming; for them the world is on the brink of climatic disaster.

Says Peter Smith, from the International Right to Life Federation: "The real and imminent danger is the demographic reduction of the developed world, that's being stopped only by the immigrant flow from the Third World".

The UN report praises the drop in the birth rate in Japan and Europe, and criticises its rise in the United States. Barack Obama's chief scientific adviser is John Holdren, a supporter of coercive measurements, who back in the 1970s suggested forced abortions and sterilisations to reduce the birth rate.

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