St Paul’s Missionary College, Rabat, is celebrating its 60th anniversary with a number of different events taking place.

One of the school’s legacies remains its Old Boys – former students who, although they have left the college over the past 60 years, remain faithful to touching base with their educational formative roots and what they have received thanks to the MSSP Fathers as well as lay educators who they encountered. Significantly, Old Boys meet annually during the feast of St Paul Shipwreck, recalling memories, visiting the college and coming together once again.

As part of its 60th anniversary celebrations, an Old Boys’ event is taking place on Sunday, February 9, at 6pm, with the celebration of mass by MSSP General Superior Fr Martin Galea, who is an Old Boy himself as well as a former educator and college chaplain. A reception for all those attending will then be held at St Agatha’s refectory.

The grounds of the college.The grounds of the college.

Tours of the college will be held throughout the evening for those who wish to reminisce about memories lived within the corridors, classrooms and other areas of the school grounds. For more information or to register for the event, Old Boys can call the college on 2145 9536 or fill in this form.

The college is also ensuring that Old Boys’ records are kept updated and a register of Old Boys’ information is being brought up to date. Old Boys are invited to submit their details at this link to keep updated on ongoing college events.

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