Dr Giovanni Bonello opened an exhibition of 33 photos by Salvatore Iozzi on level 2 at Il-Ħaġar (Pjazza San Ġorġ, Victoria). Gozo colori kuluri colours can be visited all summer from 9am to 5pm daily.

Shots, developed in  40x60cm format by MV Color di Mario Viola (of Rende, Cosenza), highlight festa aspects, buildings and nature and the sea.

Iozzi is an Italian enamoured with the island, as noted by Dr Bonello and also confirmed by a 10-minute slide show in the same hall.

Three other temporary exhibitions are still running at Il-Ħagar: St George icons and philately and aerial photos. Visitors may acquire photos, books and CDs.

Samples of works on showSamples of works on show

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