A technical committee of the European Commission has recommended that Malta receive compensation from the EU for the damage caused by the devastating September 15 storm.

The government said a final decision on the €1 million financial assistance package was expected to be taken on December 10 by the college of EU commissioners.

A detailed report drawn up by all ministries has estimated the cost of the flood damage at €30 million, with €15 million incurred by public entities and another €15 by private individuals and entities.

However, €1 million is the maximum Malta can receive under the EU's Solidarity Fund.

Following the floods of two months ago, Malta submitted an application for assistance under the fund, two weeks ahead of the 10-week period deadline.

The Office of the Prime Minister coordinated the exercise of collecting all the data required on the damage sustained by the ministries, in line with EU regulations.

The EU Commission Services, led by DG Regio, conducted a preliminary assessment of Malta's application to establish if action to mobilise the fund was admissible.

"Not only did the Commission Services agree on the methodology of assessment, they also reached an agreement to positively recommend Malta's request," the government said.

Commission sources commented on the efforts made by the Maltese government to submit a detailed application in time, which was likely to result in a positive agreement in a short time.

The Alternattiva Demokratika's spokesman on EU affairs Arnold Cassola said the technical experts of the European Commission met on Wednesday to examine the requests by France and Spain for money from the EU solidarity fund for the damage caused by forest fires and by Malta for the damage caused by the September storm.

Prof. Cassola expressed appreciation that Malta's request was making progress. "Malta's request for compensation was discussed and deemed to be a reasonable one. The technical experts have therefore given a positive recommendation to the EU Commission."

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