While addressing the national directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies at the Annual General Assembly held recently in Rome, Pope Francis focused on three words: “Communion, creativity and tenacity.”

“Let us consider these essential words, which are relevant for the Church in its permanent state of mission, and especially for our Missionary Societies called to renewal in order to be ever more effective in service,” the pope said.

Mission Malta’s national director Fr Victor Agius, who attended the assembly held at the Fraterna Domus spirituality centre in Sacrofano on May 25, noted how the annual meeting served to inspire and bolster the work of the international network of missionaries around the world.

“The Annual General Assembly of the Pontifical Mission Societies serves as a moment for directors to touch base and receive the needed spiritual guidance from the Holy Father, that is necessary to inspire the upcoming months of work,” he said.

“It is an opportunity for reflection and fellowship, in sharing the experiences and aspirations with fellow missionaries from around the globe. The experience is a unique occasion, of hope, towards a coordinated and well-organised missionary function that makes the difference in the lives of millions, on the ground.”

Pope Francis addressing the national directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies on May 25.Pope Francis addressing the national directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies on May 25.

Pope Francis discussed the Holy Trinity’s celebration from the previous day. He interpreted the three key words in a missionary context, beginning with “communion”.

“When we contemplate the Trinity, we see that God is a communion of persons, a mystery of love. The love with which God comes to seek and save us, rooted in his being One and Triune, is also the basis of the missionary nature of the pilgrim Church on earth,” he said.

The “creativity” arises from being “rooted in God’s creative work, which makes all things new”.

The pope emphasised: “Missionary activity is creative to the extent that Christ’s charity is its origin, form and end. Thus, with inexhaustible imagination, such charity inspires new ways of evangelising and serving others, especially the poorest.”

As regards “tenacity”, the pope said: “Let us also contemplate this characteristic of the love of the Triune God who, in order to fulfil his plan of salvation, with constant faithfulness has sent his servants throughout history and, in the fullness of time, gave himself in Christ Jesus. The divine mission is a tireless going out to all men and women, in order to invite them to encounter God and enter into communion with him.”

The pope’s full address is available here.

The Annual General Assembly is a central event for the missions, and this year’s edition focused on the renewal of the Pontifical Mission Societies.

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