For the next month, restaurants, pubs and cafes will remain shut as Malta seeks to step up its battle against the pandemic. But this month also offers a silver lining: the return of Spring means nicer weather, higher temperatures and more hours of sunlight, a combination making it perfect for walking.
Various scientific studies have shown the health benefits associated with walking. This simple – and free – physical activity keeps away heart disease, strengthens muscles, helps us lose weight, improves mental health and in general, helps us live longer. What is not to like about walking?
If the benefits of walking were not enough, local ride-sharing company Cool is adding an extra bonus: a number of free shared rides for the most committed of walkers! You can easily join the challenge by downloading the Pacer app from your smartphone. You can walk, enjoy and track your walking distance on the app. Weekly winners will be announced.
Emilis Remeikis, marketing manager at Cool said: “We understand that after a year of pandemic, COVID-fatigue is a true concern. The good thing is that there are healthy, safe, fun and, most importantly, legal options on how to spend free time. This includes discovering some of the secluded spots our beautiful country has to offer. To make this easier, we will be sharing some tips of great walks around the islands, while rewarding the most active among us for their efforts through free shared rides on Cool."