A “complicated” scheme to steal over €10,000 from the discount store Tal-lira has proven costly for a shop assistant. 

Audrey Madera, 27, was charged under arrest and remanded in custody for stealing from her employer.

Madera, a Filipino national, initially admitted to the charges, only to later withdraw her plea. 

Prosecuting inspector Gabriel Kitcher said the swindle at the Luqa store involved a “complicated” scheme whereby Madera cancelled transactions and pocketed money from the cash register.

Kitcher said prosecutors estimated over €10,000 was stolen by the employee between January and November. 

The inspector said Tal-lira was still going over its accounts to figure out the exact amount stolen. 

These “very complicated” transactions made it difficult to establish the precise amount that went missing, the inspector added. 

The accounting exercise to figure how much money went missing is expected to take another week. 

Legal aid lawyer Julia Micallef Stafrace told the court that her client had cooperated with the police. 

Magistrate Giannella Camilleri Busuttil denied bail in light of the serious nature of the charges.

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