A large volume of construction waste was illegally dumped at scenic Miġra l-Ferħa, a Natura 2000 site, the Malta Ranger Unit (MRU) has reported. 

The waste, including cement bags and gypsum boards, was found on Sunday and is believed to have been dumped there the previous evening or night. The Rangers reported the case to Clean Malta but could not identify the perpetrators.

The NGO said night-time dumping was becoming increasingly frequent. It said it suspected that those responsible were exploiting the absence of patrols at night.

While the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) provides an on-call number for the public to report dumping, the NGO expressed concern that the lack of evening law enforcement was allowing these crimes to continue.

Construction waste found in protected areas has increased noticeably over the past few years, the Rangers said, but household waste being dumped in these areas had thankfully decreased.

The NGO appealed for stiffer penalties for waste dumping in Natura 2000 sites. Current fines are capped at €1,000, while penalties for dumping commercial waste specifically range from €4,000 to €50,000, depending on the volume. Additionally, offenders risk losing their vehicle and driver's license if caught.

The MRU also called on the Environment Ministry to strengthen the police  Environmental Protection Unit (EPU).

"Our Natura 2000 sites are only protected on paper," a  spokesperson said.

The NGO further encouraged the public to take responsibility, advising individuals who hire companies for waste removal to ensure the company holds a valid waste carrier permit. 

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