Updated 12.30pm

The Malta Chamber of Commerce urged the government to consult with stakeholders on pharmacy opening hours, saying it was last consulted on the matter 18 months ago.

On Sunday, Minister Chris Fearne said that the health authorities were in advanced discussions with stakeholders for pharmacies to introduce a roster system to also start opening on Sunday afternoons.

However, on Monday morning, the chamber claimed that it had not been approached on the matter in recent months. 

"The last correspondence the chamber had on the matter dates back to February 2020 and consists of a proposal made jointly with other stakeholders that provides for the enforcement of a roster for pharmacies to open on Sundays and Public Holidays, and for the service to be extended to a full day. No further communication on this proposal has been received since," it said in a statement.

The chamber urged the authorities to consult with the relevant stakeholders to ensure a level playing field for all pharmacies.

Kamra tal-Ispiżjara reacts

In a separate statement, the Chamber of  Pharmacists (Kamra tal-Ispiżjara) urged the government "not to pay lip service to social dialogue, but to discuss and conclude this matter fairly for all".

It said proposals to extend the roster had been discussed with Health Minister Chris Fearne, Parliamentary Secretary Deo Debattista, Superintendent for Public Health Charmaine Gauci, and Medicines Authority chair Anthony Serracino Inglott. 

"Kamra made its presentations keeping the current scenario in mind, including the dearth of pharmacists, work-life balance and service to the community.

"The organisations’ proposals have been on the table since March 28, while the latest correspondence dates to September 14, 2021. Since then we have not been consulted."

The organisation added that Fearne's declaration "at first glance gave the impression of a fait accompli".

However, the Kamra and the chamber's proposals werestill on the table.


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