The fact that Malta has sunk into unprecedented levels of corruption has become self-evident, except for those who stubbornly refuse to see it.

Photo: Jonathan BorgPhoto: Jonathan Borg

Democracy has been transformed, slowly but surely, into its exact opposite, demagogy. It was, and still is, the cornerstone of Joseph Muscat’s infamous road map.

His demagogy is based on the misappropriation of the tools of democratic life: the hijacking of the national broadcaster, the police force, the army and, gradually, all other institutions. It relies on well-organised groups of lynchers. It suffocates freedom of expression and dissent. “But the economy is doing well”. This is the most insidious bit. In today’s Malta, to be able to practise grand-scale corruption, petty corruption must not only be allowed but promoted. This mentality will eventually deprive young people of their right to a future based on honesty and hard work.

Simon Busuttil understood perfectly Muscat’s road map. He fought tooth and nail against it. To ask for Busuttil’s resignation is an act of a corrupt mentality in itself. Let us have the courage to defend those who promote justice and the core values of human progress.

Muscat might wish to know there are still people who are not afraid of him and who will not be silenced.

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