Sliema local council said today that Bisazza Street should remain pedestrianised and the government and Arriva should reach a compromise over the matter.

Deputy Mayor Cyrus Engerer said he could understand how Arriva wanted its buses to drive through Bisazza Street, in terms of the contract signed with the Transport Ministry.

On May 25, he recalled, the council voted to pedestrianise the area after listening to residents and the business community.

The council believed that pedestrianisation would benefit the community as it reduced congestion and offered a rare open space for people to enjoy.

Opening the area to traffic would mean a bus would drive through every two-and-a-half minutes and this was dangerous to pedestrians, Mr Engerer said.

Since the street was re-opened to the public, shops in the area had reported an improvement in business.

Mr Engerer hoped a solution would be reached for the benefit of the community.

See also -

Talks under way on compensating Arriva for avoiding Bisazza Street

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