Malta University Consulting Ltd is once again offering the short 10-hour course on how to ‘Become a Better Condominium Administrator’ in  September and October. The course starts on Monday, September 19, at the University of Malta’s Campus Hub, Msida.

The course is aimed at people interested in proper condominium management, condominium owners, new and experienced administrators and real estate agents.

It will give a comprehensive overview of what it takes to manage a condominium and will also provide participants with the tools necessary for the proper and efficient management of a condominium.

Course coordinator and lecturer Mario Caruana is a lawyer by profession and his practice includes family, civil and commercial mediation. He has been appointed by the Malta Arbitration Centre to act as arbiter in condominium cases that are referred to it in accordance with the law.

Caruana also has experience in condominium management and is a visiting lecturer at the University of Malta.

For more information call Maria Bugeja at Malta University Consulting on 2124 0746, e-mail or visit the website

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