Proceedings against Taomac Limited will continue to be heard separately in the Vitals case, as prosecutors intend to join the charges brought against the company with another case that is to be heard against them.

The company had been charged alongside Joseph Muscat, Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi, who were accused of money laundering, corruption, bribery and a host of other serious crimes for their role in the hospitals' deal.

The deal, which saw private operators Vitals Global Healthcare and later Steward Healthcare take on the running of three state hospitals, was voided by the courts in 2023.

Lead prosecutor Francesco Regalo told the court that the request was being made because the prosecution is bringing another case against Taomac Limited and that it intends to join the two together.

Magistrate Rachel Montebello accepted the request and noted that a final judgment against the company would be issued separately to those of the other parties in the case.

Taomac Limited was one of several companies against which charges were filed following the Vitals inquiry, however, no person liked to the company has so far been cited in criminal charges.

During the proceedings, the court also heard from a representative of Em@ney, who presented statements of an account belonging to Joseph Muscat, as well as KYC (know your client) documents submitted to the bank.

The representative said that the account was opened on June 8, 2022.

The case was deferred to January 14.

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