Malta teeters at the cusp of the abyss of abortion that the Maltese government threatens to push her into. 

I appeal to all to petition God through prayer to move the conscience of each MP at the point of voting on the abortion bill before parliament to vote against (not just abstain) its enactment into law.

There is no neutrality on this grave moral issue; should you not act against this moral evil you would be complicit in it.

This impending situation must be one of grave concern to the bishops of Malta and Gozo and should cause them to issue public warnings. I know of no pastoral letter or sermon that has addressed MPs on the point.

I detect signs of an inimical philosophy, morphed into theology, that has infiltrated moral doctrine. Traditional moral theology, and the moral doctrine it underpins, reports symptoms of this ‘viral’ infection: instability, obfuscation and cloudiness.

A destabilised and incoherent moral doctrine has a deleterious effect on moral dogma and leading, in the first place, to loss of credibility in spiritual leaders.

The spiritual shepherd is singularly responsible for the souls entrusted to him. In the same way as the flight commander (of the military flying unit, the helicopter flight), I was singularly responsible for flight orders that I issued to pilots. Every commander, spiritual or secular, must be very wary of falling foul to the charge of dereliction of duty.

Amen, I say to you, whatever you did to these least brothers of mine, you did it to me (Mt 25:40). Thus, the way you treat the pre-born little fellows is the way you treat Christ Himself. Remember, promoting and/or legislating abortion carries with it the guilt of complicity.

Catholic Holy Communion is a public act too: a public declaration of Catholic faith in the true presence (body, blood, soul and divinity) of Our Lord, to which is associated the admonition not to receive Christ in a state of mortal sin. An ecclesiology that calls for the doors of the sacraments not to be closed for simply any reason indicates that the doors of the sacrament of Holy Communion must be closed for a good reason.

If the Eucharist is to be the nourishment of the weak, then the weak must first acknowledge their weakness, repent and resolve to cooperate with God before receiving God’s powerful healing in the sacrament of reconciliation. Only then can the weak, reconciled with God, receive Him in Holy Communion. The silly ‘straw man’ of ‘unworthiness’ is easily blown down. This is a matter of ineligibility not unworthiness.

Pastoral practice must guard the sacredness of the Eucharist.

There is no neutrality on this grave moral issue- Peter Micallef-Eynaud

Beware of falling into heresy by rejecting the teaching on ‘Eucharistic coherence’.

If the abortion bill is enacted into law, Malta’s society would be changed dramatically, profoundly and comprehensively. The default position will shift from that of the natural law (every human being is a person with inherent dignity and right to life) to that of I rule, OK.

The moral slippery slope would be dramatically inclined. Abortion services would spring up and eventually the horrendous business would be publicly funded (by you and me, like it or not). Within a relatively short while, I expect euthanasia would be given the same legal status.

In that scenario, Malta, probably, would have stuck her snout well and truly into the baby/body-part lucrative business trough.

Humanity is being called into question. Artificial intelligence, human brain ‘fiddling’ and human genetic ‘fiddling’ are clearly in view. With the erosion and consequent erasure of the concept of the equal dignity of each and every human being, inherent in human nature, and a concomitant disregard for the uniqueness of each human being, the way would then be open for a feudal caste society to be established.

The ‘barons’, those who are ‘in’ (in the money, in the know and in power) will lord it over and be served by the ‘serfs’.  Welcome to the world of Transhumanism. This is the objective of Satan’s attack on God, the creator. Satan’s assault on humanity is powered by his abhorrence of the human being.

What has this to do with abortion? Everything. Remember, abortion regards and treats intrauterine human beings as inferior, in status and rights, to other human beings. Abortion, once decriminalised, gives legal coverage to the doctor (a fellow professional of mine) to intentionally and directly kill one of his patients.

MPs who enact into law an abortion bill, with the master keyword ‘health’ therein, with or without other ‘tricks’, such as cases of cancer treatment, would be opening the way to this murderous process and,  thus, be held to be personally complicit in its evil. They would be pushing Malta into the abortion abyss.

Please, pray earnestly that God’s grace will move these MPs to vote against the bill and the president to block it and not just move out of the way.

Peter Micallef-Eynaud is a medical doctor, a moral theologian and a former helicopter flight commander.

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