On July 1, 45 members of the Mosta Scout Group visited Gozo. Departing from Mosta Square as early as 6.45am, the first stop took us to Ta’ Pinu sanctuary. For some of the children, it was their first visit; they were amazed by the beauty of the basilica. The leaders of the group did their utmost to explain not only the history of the sanctuary, but also the miraculous painting of Our Lady and the beautiful mosaics at the entrance of the basilica.

At Dwejra, the group was entertained by an old man playing music with simple instruments. While at Dwejra, the group visited St Anne’s chapel, the inland sea and the blue hole. Leaders had to explain how one day, during a storm, the Azure Window collapsed. Other places visited were Xlendi and Ramla l-Ħamra.

A trip to Gozo is always an adventure, more so when it is spiced with cultural recollections. The tour was organised by former GSL Edward Vella. The children were accompanied by the GSL Sean Bartolo, skipper Emma Fenech, Ryan Farrugia, Martha Bartolo, Stephen Borg, Keith Farrugia, and Daniel Cassar.

Edward Vella is campsite manager, Mosta Scout Campsite and Activity Centre.

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