Several dead fish and what a witness believes to be a goat have been found dumped by the side of the road near the Marsa Sports Club. 

The discovery was made by an 18-year-old who was walking along the Marsa Sports Club ring road, which extends from the Marsa Park and Ride to Aldo Moro Road.

He could smell the rotten fish before actually seeing the large fish carcasses.

The possible goat Photo: AnonymousThe possible goat Photo: Anonymous

Just a few metres down the road, he also noticed a blue bag with a dead animal in it, believed to be a goat.  

It is illegal to dump dead animals in public spaces. When an animal dies, the owner is responsible for either calling the Cleaning & Maintenance Division for assistance with the body or they need to take the animal to Wasteserve's incinerator in Marsa. 

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