Since its inception, Dun Ġorġ wanted the MUSEUM Society he founded to give Christmas its due importance.

In Christmas 1921 − over 100 years ago − he continued to concretise his love for the mystery of the Incarnation through what he wanted to be called the ‘demonstration of the Child Jesus’.

Through this activity, Dun Ġorġ had anticipated the ‘Put Christ back into Christmas’ campaign of the 1950s and 1960s, which focused on the real meaning of Christian Christmas, which had gradually become so commercialised and stripped of its true meaning.

The demonstration has now become a part of traditional Maltese Christmas celebrations, and takes place in every town and village in Malta and Gozo on Christmas Eve or during the days of the Novena. It is also held overseas wherever the MUSEUM is present.

Maltese families − not only children − are invited to take part in the demonstration.

For information about the local demontration, contact the local MUSEUM branch or the parish.

Demonstrations in Valletta

A demonstration of the Child Jesus will be held at the Valletta Waterfront today at 7.30pm, starting from near the parking lot of the waterfront.

The main demonstration in Valletta will be held on Friday at 6pm, starting from in front of the Church of Our Lady of Victory (next to Castille). It will pass through the heart of Valletta and will stop at St John’s Co-Cathedral to pray the Christmas Novena of Dun Ġorġ. The activity will end at 7.15pm.

There will be organised transport from Mosta, Tarxien, Paola, Santa Luċija and Swatar. One may contact the members of the MUSEUM branches of these parishes.

Other events

A play, entitled West Bank, by the children attending MUSEUM, will be staged at the Mosta Rotunda as the demonstration enters the basilica on December 24.

The demonstration will leave the boys’ MUSEUM premises at 19, Triq Papa Ġwanni XXIIII, at 6pm. All are invited.

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