A once-derelict site in Xatt-ic-Cangatura, Floriana, is rapidly being transformed into an urban community garden by Friends of the Earth’s Giving Garden Project which is being supported by The Melita Foundation.

Board members of The Melita Foundation said they were impressed at the rate of progress since the project’s inception in turning a once neglected area into a fruit and vegetable haven that includes space for local trees and shrubs and makes the most of composting, recycled and reclaimed materials.

The Giving Garden’s objectives are to bring communities together by creating a common space where people can come together to learn to grow their own crops and herbs as well as promoting the importance of fresh, local produce. Friends of the Earth open the Giving Garden on alternate Sunday afternoons for anyone who wants to join in and ‘get their hands dirty’.

Prof. Tanya Sammut-Bonnici, chair of The Melita Foundation, said: “We are delighted to be involved with this project, which shows that even a small area can be used to grow food. This project shows how a pot on a balcony or by a window can be used to grow salad or vegetables with zero food miles and a minimal carbon footprint.”

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