Health authorities on Monday issued a warning about an electronic cigarette for containing too much nicotine.

The electronic cigarette, or 'vape pen', AUPO 2000 Puffs has an "excessive" volume of nicotine-containing liquid, the Environmental Health Directorate said in a statement.

Authorities said the product labelling was also "misleading and lacks essential information on nicotine content, concentration, and delivery dose, making it impossible for consumers to make safe, informed choices regarding its use."

The Environmental Health Directorate reminded consumers that Nicotine is "acutely toxic", especially if ingested or coming into contact with the skin

Consumers are encouraged to regularly check the Safety Gate online platform (link: to ensure that a product is not listed as a dangerous product.

The Environmental Health Services can be reached on +356  2133 7333 between 8am and 2pm, or on Facebook at or its website at

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