The government should clarify whether employers are entitled to know which employees have been vaccinated against COVID, according to Malta Chamber of Commerce recommendations.

In its report on recommendations favouring a culture of wellness and resilience at the workplace, the health committee within the chamber also calls on employers to invest in mental health services for the benefit of their employees.

The policy document, published this week, explores how the pandemic has led to increased stress at the workplace, and was drawn following two events organised by the committee in 2020.

Among others, it calls for a “joint body” made up of government and Opposition members, to avoid sending out mixed messages to the public. It warns that this is not the time to gain political ground, especially considering the push for people to get vaccinated.

Mixed messages give rise to suspicion and result in fewer people taking medical advice seriously, according to the committee. 

It meanwhile calls for “direction” on the right of employers to know whether their employees have taken the COVID vaccine - a proposal first raised by the Malta Employers Association earlier this month

This would especially be helpful in the case of employment of new staff, ensuring that current employees, especially vulnerable ones, are protected against the virus, the Chamber said. 

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