The Dragonara Casino will reopen its doors and welcome guests this Friday, June 5.
In a statement, Dragonara Casino management said they have taken all necessary precautions, carefully putting health, safety and hygiene procedures in place. This includes an increase in cleaning and disinfection procedures, and frequent disinfection of all high-touch surfaces. 

Also, in accordance with public health guidelines, sanitation procedures have been enhanced and additional measures for distance spacing and screening have been implemented. 

At the Dragonara Casino, everyone will need to follow health and safety guidelines as recommended by the health authorities. Management is asking all guests and casino staff to comply with the following measures: everyone is required to wear a face or shield mask during their visit; temperature checks will be required upon arrival; hands should be washed with soap and water often for at least 20 seconds; social distancing should be practised, and guests need to keep at least two metres away from other guests; stand on the floor markings until the person in front of moves forward. Guests will also be required to use hand sanitizer. 

Guests visiting the Dragonara Casino during this weekend’s grand reopening will be treated to a €200 playable voucher at the price of €150 and a €250 playable voucher for €200 every Monday. 

Also, throughout the month of June all new patrons will enjoy a €10 match and play voucher upon their first visit to the Dragonara Casino and a €10 free-bet voucher on the second visit.

Guests returning to the Dragonara Casino will notice a latest addition: the Dragonara Sports Bar and Grill, Malta's first bet-and-dine concept providing a unique experience to sports betting punters while watching the most extensive live sports coverage in Malta. More details at

All guests at the Dragonara Casino are required to be 25 years of age and over. Play responsibly. Visit Remote Gaming Foundation at

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