A man who admitted to thefts from cars in Floriana on Sunday, has been granted bail pending judgment. 

Mark Cauchi Bellotti, 43 of Paola, was arraigned on Tuesday over two attempted thefts and another theft all committed between 4pm and 6pm in Vincenzo Dimech Street. 

He was also charged with relapsing. 

His lawyer, Jason Grima, explained that the accused had an acute drug problem. He wanted to tackle it but needed help to do so. 

When previously under probation the accused had steered away from crime. In the circumstances, a treatment order would be appropriate, argued the lawyer. The offences were committed to fuel his drug problem. 

AG lawyer Brandon Bonnici said that the "clumsy" manner the crimes were committed, in broad daylight, showed that they were not planned. 

Inspector Gabriel Micallef said that the accused was willing to enter rehab. He wanted to break free of his drug habit. 

Magistrate Charmaine Galea, put off the case for judgment on Monday and granted bail, ordering the accused to sign the bail book on Sunday and to attend court on Monday or forfeit €5000.

Inspector Jeffrey Rizzo also prosecuted.

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