Seriously, does that Pullicino Orlando person really think we're all as dumb as his public utterances make him seem that he thinks we are?
Yes, I know that the opening paragraph is complex, it's meant to be. When the Lil'Elves don't get something, they start spluttering and there is nothing as amusing as a Lil'Elf tripping over his own tongue and getting all confused.
Now no doubt Mrs Marlene Mizzi will start up with what will be a somewhat puzzling rant about me being racist because I have the temerity to fail to give Labour and its Lil'Elves the breathless admiration they deserve. Read my lips, dear lady, if I give the impression that I think that Labour in all its current glory is the embodiment of an inferior system of political discourse, this is not a mistaken impression on your part.
Also, it is not a racist action on my part, because it is simply an expression of opinion about a set of opinions, freely held and equally freely disseminated.
But to get back to Pullicino Orlando, no, mate, we're not that stupid. Your statement of the bleeding obvious, that is to say, if you are chucked out of the Nationalist Party, it loses its majority is simply that: a statement of the bleeding obvious.
And if you think we don't see right through your patently obvious attempt to outflank the PM's statement that your defiance will have consequences, then you insult us by attributing to us a level of intelligence that is subterranean.
Putting it differently, for all that you have made it clear you don't want to belong in the Nationalist Party, who said you're going to be chucked out? Do you really think turkeys vote for Xmas?
And on a different, but not entirely unconnected note, is it only me that thinks that Joseph Muscat's charge that the PM had insulted Parliament is, in the circumstances, breathtaking in its audacity? Pots and kettles have nothing on the lad.