The earthly departure of Dun Anġ Seychell set me reflecting on the life of this altruistic priest from Żejtun, who I had the privilege of knowing for the past 40 years, well before he set up Fondazzjoni Nazareth.
If I had to try and encapsulate into one sentence the memory of Dun Anġ, as he was fondly known, I would describe him as a beacon for social justice and human dignity, an inspirational soul.
Our friendship grew stronger eight years ago, when he started pursuing me to get involved in his foundation, refusing to take no for an answer. Five years ago, I joined and have since served as president of his Fondazzjoni Nazareth.
During my time at the foundation, I could witness firsthand his commitment to the cause, and I deeply admired his love and passion for the most vulnerable in our society.
It was evident that he was truly exceptional – an extraordinarily generous and principled individual who worked tirelessly to make a meaningful difference in their lives.
Dun Anġ embodied the very essence of values and principles. To me he succeeded in beautifully bridging the ethical values of social justice with the principles of the social teachings of the Church.
Throughout his life, he was inspired by the values of social justice, human dignity and equity. Be it as co-founder of Caritas or founder of Fondazzjoni Nazareth, he instilled these values in everyone who worked with him. He held them close to his heart until his last breath.
I will never forget how, last week, while on his deathbed, we were discussing the next phase for Fondazzjoni Nazareth – providing semi-independent accommodation to people with disabilities who had the potential to be productive and contribute further to our society.
Remarkably, the conversation about his beloved foundation made him instantly alert and he became enthusiastic and excited about it all.
He was truly an amazing human being, who inspired countless people, including the community in Żejtun, during his long life.
A progressive priest, whose contributions in the journal Pastor inspired me with the message of social justice, Dun Anġ took the bold move to open his family home 30 years ago and take in people with disabilities who had either no family or whose parents could no longer take care of them.
Dun Anġ was a beacon for social justice and human dignity- Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca
Dun Anġ was a very determined person, and those who could not grasp the intentions behind his assertiveness would say he was stubborn. But he was a priest with a vision and he was determined to bring it to fruition. He never lost sight of this and it very clear to see how this influenced his life; he advocated for these values with anyone within his reach and beyond.
Dun Anġ was a truly remarkable individual whose inspirational work illuminated the profound sense of community among the people of Żejtun. He not only provided support to the disadvantaged but also fostered an environment where the community embraced those in need, creating a strong bond that still thrives at Fondazzjoni Nazareth.
He is also held in the highest regard by the Żejtun community, who exemplify tireless generosity and kindness in countless ways.
We are deeply grateful for their unwavering support for our residents, who come from all corners of the island, enriching our shared mission of compassion and care.
Though he was bedridden for much of his final year, Dun Anġ remained deeply invested in the lives of our beloved residents, always eager to hear about our efforts on their behalf.
His personal interest in each individual was a testament to his compassion; he genuinely cared about their well-being and happiness, even in his own time of need.
Our last celebration with the dearly missed Dun Anġ took place in July, marking the fulfilment of one of his cherished dreams – the opening of the newly built state-of-the-art home, Dar San Franġisk.
He was the one to personally name this sanctuary, and I would venture to call him the Maltese St Francis of our times, for he dedicated himself wholeheartedly to uplifting the most vulnerable and disadvantaged among us.
We are profoundly grateful, dear Dun Anġ, for all that you have been to me and to us.
President Emeritus Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca is president of Fondazzjoni Nazareth.