Duncan Micallef was elected as chairman of the FIA Drag Racing Commission and is also a member of the Circuits committee, the Malta Motorsport Federation said in a statement on Saturday.

Micallef enjoys great respect in the international motorsport scene and within the world governing body, the FIA, not only because of his excellent achievements as a drag racing driver but also due to his continuous work to put motorsport in our country on a much stronger basis.

“President Duncan Micallef was elected Chairman of the FIA Drag Racing Commission and a member of the Circuits Commission,” the Malta Motorsport Federation said in a statement.

“The Malta Motorsport Federation is honoured to announce that the International Federation of Automobile (FIA), through its World Motor Sport Council (WMSC), has elected president Duncan Micallef as chairman of the 2024-25 FIA Drag Racing Commission and a member of the Circuits Commission

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