Renowned Xue Trio musicians Pierre-Henri Xuereb, Simon Debierre and Ruixin Niu will be performing and sharing their insights about Chinese and Western cultures at the China Cultural Centre in Malta on Wednesday, 21st June at 7.00pm.

The repertoire of the Xue Trio spans a wide range, incorporating ancient Chinese melodies, modern Western compositions, as well as contemporary pieces from China and Europe. Their performances and presentations have captivated audiences in numerous French cities, including Paris, Uzes, La Geneytouse and Le Poët-Laval.

Pierre-Henri Xuereb will be playing the viola d’amore. He has recorded more than 70 CDs and his concert tours have taken him all over the world. He has performed as a soloist with the Tel-Aviv Symphony Orchestra, the Ensemble Instrumental de France, the PACA Orchestra, the Ensemble Contrechamps and the Philharmonic Orchestra of Caracas and Malta. He teaches at the Conservatoire de Paris, at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Liège, and at IMEP in Namur in Belgium. He gives regular master classes at Indiana University, Le Domaine Forget de Charlevoix, Yale University, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity and the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing.

Pierre-Henri XuerebPierre-Henri Xuereb

Simon Debierre will be playing the Chinese traditional instrument known as the guqin. He is currently pursuing a PhD at École Pratique des Hautes Études-PSL and is affiliated with the Research Centre on East Asian Civilizations. From 2016 to 2021, he served as an honorary member of the advisory committee of the China Nationalities Orchestra Society, also known as the Chinese Qin Society. He directed the Festival of the Seven Strings in Paris during the Chinese New Year in February 2019.

Simon DebierreSimon Debierre

Ruixin Niu will be playing the viola. She holds a Master’s degree in viola performance from Beijing Central Conservatory and a Master's degree in pedagogy with Grande Distinction from the Royal Conservatory of Music of Liège. Between 2014 and 2016, she was the assistant viola principal of EOS orchestra in Beijing. In 2019, she was the artistic advisor of the Belgium Chinese Students Ensemble which was organised by the Chinese Embassy.

Ruixin NiuRuixin Niu

Admission is free. Donation to the Malta Community Chest Fund box on site is appreciated. Reservation through is advised to secure the seat.

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