Traditionally, the leading cities of international fashion have been Paris, London, New York, and Milan. In recent years however, this has been subverted. Much like they have economically, the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) are asserting their influence on the global fashion stage, a change affirmed by the recent BRICS+ Fashion Summit in Moscow.

The B2B Showroom highlightThe B2B Showroom highlight

New names in fashion

Alexander Siradekyan, founder of the eponymous fashion brand, spoke optimistically about using the event to heighten his brand's profile. “The summit allowed us a considerable boost to our branding. Currently, we're in the midst of vibrant discussions with international buyers. This presents us with the chance to elevate our brand on a global scale. We’re delighted with the considerable interest these international buyers are exhibiting in our brand."

Previously preferring the Paris to showcase each season's collections, this year, Siradekyan opted for a substantial showroom at the international BRICS+ Fashion Summit. The inaugural event in Moscow drew participants from over 60 countries, including more than 130 designers. Attendees could admire fashion from BRICS countries but also pieces from Iran, Cote d’Ivoire, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. Despite these nations sounding far from conventional fashion hotspots, their clothing was very much contemporary and in high demand. This mirrors the mission of the event - to highlight the diverse modern fashion landscape and inject new innovative trends into the current flow emanating from Milan and Paris's catwalks. The BRICS+ Fashion Summit served as a platform for developing countries to declare themselves as creative forces capable of influencing the global fashion narrative.

The show produced some spectaclesThe show produced some spectacles

Fashion Perspectives

Alexander Siradekyan was not the only fashion industry insider at the forum making moves.

Arina Maksimenko, founder of the Smolyanka brand from the Tolyatti, a Russian regional center, managed to strike a deal with a number of Moscow's concept stores, enshrining her brand's vision into their fashion offerings.

International buyers attending the BRICS+ Fashion Summit conveyed their interest in niche brands from Russia, Asia, and Africa. Yash Santlani, an Indian store owner believes, “India is aiming to broaden its scope into new markets. It’s very likely that Indian fashion will find itself in Russian or African outlets.”

Argentine designer Juan Hernandez Daels' collections gained popularity in France and China. Now, his designs are featured at the BRICS+ fashion summit in Moscow where he reinterprets Argentine traditions, like gaucho, in an innovative manner.

Design discussions in full swingDesign discussions in full swing

BRICS+ for Europe

The BRICS+ Fashion Summit is now one of the most important events in recent fashion history. Generally, European forums only discuss one or two countries at a time and global meetings rarely address more than one issue—like sustainability—contrast that with this summit!

The BRICS+ initiative was not merely a forum; it represented a bold attempt to break away from the traditional rules defined by Europe and America.Delegations from Asia, Africa, and Latin America formed the main attendance at the summit, yet the changes it set in motion are poised to impact primarily European designers. While Europe justifiably lauds its influence on global fashion, the benefits often flow to major corporations like LVMH, Kering, Inditex, H&M, and Prada Group. Smaller companies and innovative designers face a continuous battle for survival and recognition.

Pro Ecuador design housePro Ecuador design house

It's important to remember, however, that top global apparel producers - China, India, and Pakistan - despite clothing the world, have never been arbiters of global fashion trends. The summit addressed this disparity, noting it as unjust. The BRICS+ fashion summit in Moscow has morphed into a dynamic cultural tapestry, uniting varied cultures, viewpoints, and designers from across the world.

As the global fashion industry navigates transformational changes, including a change in the rule book, new opportunities are rising for local brands. Fashion designers can now make a global impact from anywhere in the world, supported by the joint efforts of the BRICS+ nations.

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