A kebab shop employee who allegedly punched a drunken customer who refused to leave, landing him in critical condition, was granted bail upon arraignment on Tuesday.
Fawzi Khalifa, the 20-year-old son of an Egyptian kebab shop owner, was arrested as the suspect behind the violent incident that resulted in the victim, a 45-year-old Ukrainian national, being found unconscious in Triq Gulju in St Paul’s Bay.
The alleged aggressor was on Tuesday charged with causing the victim grievous injuries which left him in critical condition as well as wilfully breaching the public peace during the incident which took place at around 10 pm.
He pleaded not guilty to the charges.
His defence team argued that the alleged victim, who was heavily drunk at the time, had refused to leave the shop when asked to by the accused.
That was when an argument broke out.
The accused allegedly punched the drunken man who fell to the ground.
The injured man was rushed to Mater Dei Hospital by ambulance and was admitted into intensive care. He has since been transferred out of the intensive therapy unit, the court was told.
The accused’s lawyers requested bail, arguing that the injuries sustained by the alleged victim were partially caused by the fall.
The court was also told that the victim’s blood alcohol level was 307mg/dl.
After hearing submissions on bail the court, presided over by magistrate Nadine Sant Lia, upheld the request against a deposit of €3,000, a personal guarantee of €7,000 and daily signing of the bail book.
The court also issued a protection order in respect of the victim, warning the accused that he was not to approach any of the prosecution witnesses, including the alleged victim.
AG lawyers Maria Meilaq Schembri and Claire Sammut prosecuted together with Inspector Bernard Charles Spiteri.
Lawyers Mario Mifsud, Nicholas Mifsud, Alfred Abela and Rene’ Darmanin were defence counsel.