The Malta Employers’ Association was awarded first prize during this year’s National Supporting Business Awards (NSBA) – an initiative organised by the Ministry for Economy, Enterprise and Strategic Projects in collaboration with the Commerce Department and the European Commission, to recognise and award those organisations which have made exceptional efforts to assist SMEs.

The MEA was awarded for its project entitled ‘Supporting Anticipation in the Management of Change’ which it conducted throughout the past two years in an effort to assist employers in their efforts to transform and innovate. The project involved comprehensive primary and secondary research, substantial engagement with local companies and the consolidation of working relations with local and foreign stakeholders including the General Workers’ Union and SGI Europe.

The MEA project culminated in the articulation of a Change Management Business Manual which served as a tangible outcome and innovative value-adding service to Maltese and European employers given that, at the request of the European Commission, the document was translated into German and French and made available online (

This project has contributed to enhance the capacity of the MEA. The knowledge gained is now used to guide entrepreneurs and enhance their skills in adapting to new/improved business models and building strong sustainable strategies which are more resilient to shocks. The new skills imparted to entrepreneurs could serve a means to save jobs in times of crisis or generate new and/or different ones.

On the other hand, the new skills gained by employees who use the manual could render them more employable because they would be more relevant to industry needs in a more volatile and uncertain scenario.

“The reason for the Malta Employers’ Association to exist is to support the local business community,” said MEA director general Kevin J. Borg on accepting the prize.

“We accept this award with great pride as it gives official recognition to the fact that the Malta Employers are leaders in the support of entrepreneurs – both large and small. This award gives us added impetus for the future in ensuring continuous improvement and the creation of further value-added services for our members.”

During the same awards ceremony, it was also announced by Godwin Warr, director general of the Commerce Department, that the MEA was to be nominated to receive the ‘National Honorary Mention certificate’ from the European Commission.


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