I was recently handed a copy of the publication Treasures of Malta, issue No. 42 (Summer 2008).

This publication contains various articles and pictures of a number of artistic contributions by Maltese renowned artists who left their mark on our artistic heritage. The articles are concise and well presented. However, in the article on Emvin Cremona, I was rather disappointed with the lack of importance given to the contribution by the artist at St Publius church in Floriana, on the ceiling of the main aisle. The reference to such artistic task is rather scant, when one considers that his works in this church are quite extensive.

Cremona hailed from Valletta, and I still recall the days when I accompanied my father, Antonio Agius, a close friend of Cremona's, who used to frequent his studio overlooking Grand Harbour, to discuss the whole project at Floriana. It is pertinent to point out that Cremona, who died on January 29, 1987, specifically wanted that his funeral service be held at St Publius church in Floriana. For the record, the religious service was held on January 31, 1987.

I contend that it would have been very appropriate if the article in the publication Treasures of Malta included just a single visual reference from the works of art executed by Cremona at the Floriana church.

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