As I approach 60, having been born in 1965, I find myself reflecting deeply on Malta’s political journey. For as long as I can remember, our islands have been dominated by partisan politics – a legacy that has shaped, and often hindered, the nation’s progress.

Partisan politics have become ingrained in the fabric of our society, fostering division, entrenching ideological walls and stifling innovation. Every general election is treated as a battleground, with political leaders pitted against each other, often placing the interests of their respective parties above the national good.

In fairness, there have been attempts to change this. Former prime minister Lawrence Gonzi made a significant effort during his tenure to challenge the status quo and unlock the country from the grip of partisan divisions. He sought to inject a level of political maturity and foresight into our leadership that, while well-intentioned, did not yield the transformative results Malta so desperately needed.

Today, Malta stands at a crossroads. Those of us who genuinely care about this country’s well-being, the quality of life of its people and its international standing understand that our current political climate is unsustainable. We face complex challenges that cannot be adequately addressed through the lens of party loyalty or the pursuit of parliamentary seats.

The challenges Malta faces are not new but their urgency has grown. Our population size, economic model, lack of long-term infrastructure investment, traffic congestion and declining air quality are all issues crying out for immediate attention. The list does not end here. Yet, the response from those in power is often compromised by the drive to protect political interests rather than pursue the solutions Malta needs.

What we need now is political courage – the courage to rise above partisan interests and address our nation’s problems with a united front. It is time for our leaders, regardless of party affiliation, to embrace the reality of Malta’s challenges and act decisively. We need a national debate that prioritises long-term solutions over short-term gains.

The structure of our parliamentary system is one area that demands serious scrutiny. The effectiveness of the current system, which reinforces a two-party dominance, must be questioned. Should we not explore reforms that encourage broader representation and a more inclusive dialogue?

Similarly, the financing of political parties needs greater transparency and accountability, ensuring that money does not unduly influence policy decisions.

The financing of political parties needs greater transparency and accountability- Ivan Bartolo

Environmental and developmental concerns also require a unified response. Malta’s overdevelopment is eroding not only our natural heritage but also the quality of life for our people. Balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability is not a partisan issue; it is a national imperative. Yet, partisan interests have often skewed the conversation, preventing meaningful progress.

It is time for our MPs to stop. To stop thinking in terms of party advantage and to start prioritising the future of our nation. Malta is at a pivotal moment, where the choices we make today will shape the lives of future generations.

We need statesmen and stateswomen – leaders who can rise above party politics and call a spade a spade. Leaders who will take the bold steps needed to address the challenges ahead. We need a political culture that values collaboration over conflict and the well-being of the nation over individual political careers.

The citizens of Malta also have a crucial role to play in this transformation. We must demand more from our leaders. It is time to reject the politics of division and vote for those who inspire hope, who possess the vision and integrity to create a better Malta.

For too long, partisan politics have held this country back. The time has come for a new era of unity, where we can face our challenges together and create a Malta that thrives not just for the few, but for all its people.

Let us put an end to the politics of division and embrace a politics of collaboration, hope and shared responsibility. Only then can we unlock the full potential of our nation and move forward as one people, united in our desire for a better future.

Ivan Bartolo is the PN’s spokesperson on employment and new economic sectors.

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