Enemalta on Saturday provided a rundown of its recent work to upgrade the country’s electricity distribution network, listing a number of its ongoing projects across the country.

The state-run company faced strident criticism last month after a prolonged heatwave led to 10 days of power cuts, leaving significant parts of the country without electricity for nights at a time.

The government subsequently pledged to double investment in upgrading the country’s electricity distribution network. 

In its statement on Saturday, Enemalta listed various of its projects:

  • A new 4km-long, 11kv cable to Siġġiewi, parts of Żebbuġ and Mqabba will be completed in the coming weeks. It cost €2 million and will serve an estimated 5,000 families and businesses.
  • A new 1.3km-long, 11kv cable in Mosta will serve an estimated 4,000 consumers. It will also be completed within weeks.
  • A 1.2km cable in Żurrrieq that will spread electricity loads for 5,000 customers has been completed.
  • A 600m-long 33kV cable has been laid in Mosta to connect a distribution centre there with a planned new one to be built in Naxxar
  • Work in Qormi and Buġibba to improve low voltage issues in some neighbourhoods.
  • New switchgears are being installed to increase substation automation.

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