Households that recently received their energy bills also received an attached letter telling customers how much they have saved because of the government's energy subsidy.
"Despite international crises and the COVID-19 pandemic, which have led to increases in the international price of oil and gas, energy prices in Malta have remained stable and did not increase," the letter says.
"This was the result of the strategic decision taken by the Maltese Government to maintain price stability and ensure that the burden of global increases is not shouldered directly by local families and businesses," the letter said.
The letter is signed by Automated Revenue Management Services, a government company that bills households for energy and water consumption.
One example seen by Times of Malta said one of the households saved €1,800.
From now on, bills will include details on savings because of the government subsidy, the letter reads.

That has cost the taxpayer a pretty penny. In November, Robert Abela said the government would be spending €1 million a day in 2024 to keep energy prices in check.
Times of Malta asked the energy ministry why it sent the letters and whether this move could be interpreted as political propaganda, weeks before the EP and local elections.
The ministry replied that the energy subsidy was not an election-related measure, as the government has been supporting people continuously and without interruption.
"Many believe that this information should have been provided much earlier. Electoral campaigns should not stop the government and its entities from continuing to implement the planned changes, and this information will continue to be provided,” a spokesperson said.