Have you ever been to Wied Qirda? This picturesque but underrated valley between the villages of Qormi, Żebbuġ and Siġġiewi can be explored today on a night hike in the area from 7pm to 10pm.

The valley sides of Wied Qirda (pictured) include a very interesting matorral community, characterised by carob trees (ħarruba), olive trees (żebbuġ), almond trees (lewż) and the largest native population of the rare bay laurel (rand).

The latter is dominant in parts of the area with some specimen crossing even over the valley bed. The undergrowth of this matorral community also includes a number of rare, protected species, such as the wild tulip, only found in this locality in the Maltese islands.

The site is designated as a Nature Reserve and a Special Area of Conservation of National Importance.

The event is free. One just needs to show up at 7pm at Mochika Outdoor Life, 270, Mdina Road, Qormi. Those interested should bring along their walking shoes, a bottle of water and a torch or headlamp.

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