Exposed steel reinforcement bars on the underside of the Tigné Point bridge are not a safety hazard, according to developers Midi plc and the Sliema mayor.

The state of the bridge, located near the sea along the Strand in Sliema, was flagged in a Facebook post by independent politician Arnold Cassola, a former secretary general of the European Greens. The photos he posted show exposed steel reinforcement that should be covered by concrete. 

“Do we care about safety and human lives? It seems that using substandard concrete has become a national habit. A good way to cream off extra profits?” Cassola told Times of Malta when contacted about his post. 

But despite the eyesore of the exposed metal, both Midi and Sliema mayor John Pillow are assuring the public that there is no cause for concern. Pillow said he was aware of the state of the bridge and there was nothing to worry about. He said that the proximity to the sea resulted in more damage that was, however, monitored and regularly maintained.

A Midi spokesman said the company commissioned a structural engineer earlier this year to determine the maintenance works required for the belvedere bridge and the suspended walkway.

It said contractors the works are scheduled to begin early next year. 

"In the meantime, the required mitigation measures have been taken to ensure that the area under the belvedere bridge is safe," he said.

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