Dr George Abela is the latest head of state featured in a series of commemorative stamp cards being issued to mark Malta’s golden jubilee as a republic.

Gozo Philatelic Society (GPS) vice president Anthony Grech designed the set of personalised stamps featuring the ex-president’s signature, his surname’s coat of arms and printed se-tenant with a Maltapost stamp showing flags of Malta and the EU. These are then postmarked on a card showing the particular president.

Dr Abela was Malta’s head of state between 2009 and 2014, uniquely chosen from the opposite political spectrum of the party then in government. He had been actively involved in sports, particularly in football administration.

Victoria Post Office administrator Rebecca Ann Bartolo stamping the George Abela stamp issue. Photo: Charles SpiteriVictoria Post Office administrator Rebecca Ann Bartolo stamping the George Abela stamp issue. Photo: Charles Spiteri

The GPS is issuing these stamp cards also to celebrate its own jubilee, having been founded in 1999. Further events are being planned, not exclusively for members, in its mission to strengthen this hobby. For example commemorative covers are offered for the Gozo-based processional statues in the Festa set. Other interesting material is available in the GPS colour periodical, attractive for non-philatelists too.

Anyone interested can enquire on secretary@stamps-gozo.org.

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