Il-Bibbja f’idejna, a book introducing sacred scripture, is being distributed to pastoral animators serving in Gozo parishes and religious groups to facilitate Bible learning and sharing.

The book, by Fr Marcello Ghirlando OFM, was launched at the conclusion of the Pastoral Year of the Gozo diocese dedicated to the Word of God.

The distribution of the book was held at St Anthony of Padua church in Għajnsielem after a healing Mass by Fr Ghirlando, assisted by Fr Alex Refalo. The service was animated by Mario Caruana and his daughter Maria.

Meanwhile, the Franciscan Friars of Għajnsielem will celebrate the feast of St Anthony of Padua next Sunday, June 4. This year, the friars are marking the 100th anniversary of the titular statue of St Anthony.

In fact, Il Bibbja f’idejna was published as a pastoral initiative highlighting St Anthony’s relationship with sacred scripture.

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