The family of the late Mgr George Grima, the founder of the missionary movement Jesus in Thy Neighbour, donated the canon’s sacred vestments to his successor, Fr Alex Cauchi.

The donation was made by Mgr Grima’s brother, Emanuel, on behalf of the Grima family. The vestments will be preserved and in the near future displayed in a museum showcasing the works and life of Mgr Grima.

Mgr Grima was ordained priest by Bishop Nikol Cauchi at the Gozo Cathedral on September 21, 1977. After three months he started his first missionary work in Londrina, Brazil, where he built homes for orphaned children. These homes offered shelter, food, education and medication to thousands of children.

On December 3, 1987, Mgr Grima founded the missionary movement Jesus in Thy Neighbour  in Victoria. Later, Mgr Grima extended the movement to Africa and Kenya.

In his missionary work, Mgr Grima was inspired by Mother Teresa whom he met several times in India. He lived to serve the poor.

Mgr Grima passed away on September 25, 2017.

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