If you usually complain that anything that tastes good is fattening, stop and think again: One of the most delicious fruits not only does not add anything to the bulge but is also packed full of nutritious substances.

That is, if strawberries - one of the world's healthiest foods - are eaten on their own and not served together with whipped cream or ice cream.

According to Mario Spiteri, director at the Rural Affairs Ministry, strawberries contain essential vitamins, fibre and potassium. They also contain phytochemicals - non-nutritive chemicals that have protective or disease-preventive properties.

"Fresh strawberries are truly nature's gift to mankind," he said, adding that the little berry has long been recognised for its medicinal uses, even as far back as in Roman times.

Speaking about the tiny red fruit, now in season, Dr Spiteri explained that fibre is an essential component of a healthy diet and potassium is an important nutrient that is essential to help the body balance electrolytes.

A serving of the fruit beats the orange in the vitamin C league. In fact, Dr Spiteri said, one cup of strawberries contains more vitamin C than a medium-sized orange and 140 per cent of the daily recommended dose of the vitamin for children.

Strawberries are also full of antioxidants, which play an important role in warding off chronic diseases and conditions.

"Within an hour of eating a portion of strawberries, there is full absorption of the antioxidants, which then start their action against the free radicals that build up in the body and result in ill-health," he said. Free radicals are produced in the body as a result of inflammation, smoking, exposure to pollutants and UV radiation.

Strawberries also help reduce levels of oxidised LDL cholesterol, dubbed the bad cholesterol, that is a major risk component which can cause cardiovascular disease.

And to top everything off, the superstar fruit is full of ellagic acid, which can help fight cancers.

Facts and Figures

• A 100g serving of strawberries contains only some 50 calories and zero fat.

• Acids in the tiny red fruit help remove stains, leading to whiter teeth.

• Strawberries are full of nutrients that can protect the heart against cancer and against inflammation.

• They also contain Omega 3 fatty acids, which are the building blocks of brain tissue.

• The amount of vitamin C in a serving of strawberries is more than that in a medium-sized orange.

• The Romans believed that strawberries could cure a number of illnesses.

• The strawberry plant is a member of the rose family.

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