The House of Lilly Mae fashion show welcomed around 180 guests to the Villa, Corinthia Palace Hotel and Spa in Attard, where new lines from the multi-brand store Lilly Mae, Marina Rinaldi, Elena Miro, Pennyblack, UJA Paris and Basler were showcased on the catwalk. At the event, franchise store Gerry Weber also featured its latest collection, together with the Taifun and Samoon collections. The fashion show was hosted by Jo Caruana, director at Finesse Consulta. Proceeds were in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund.

DJ and model Tiffany Pisani with saxophonist Andrew Barthet.

DJ and model Tiffany Pisani with saxophonist Andrew Barthet.

Egyptian Ambassador Nada Draz with Maria Borg.

Egyptian Ambassador Nada Draz with Maria Borg.

Moira Palmier%2C Maria Borg and Daniela Said.

Moira Palmier%2C Maria Borg and Daniela Said.

Caroline Paris%2C Claire Agius and Jo Caruana.

Caroline Paris%2C Claire Agius and Jo Caruana.

President George Vella’s wife%2C Miriam%2C with Maria Borg.

President George Vella’s wife%2C Miriam%2C with Maria Borg.

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