The number of traffic contraventions issued in March dropped by nearly a third compared to the same month last year.

As people confined themselves to their homes and the roads got quieter, 17,749 traffic contraventions were issued by local enforcement officers, fewer than the 24,934 issued in March 2019.

Ray Zammit, chief executive of the Local Enforcement System Agency, said officers were called out to assist in only 697 collisions during March, in contrast to the roughly 950 average each month.

“The restrictions in place relating to COVID-19 have resulted in fewer people on the roads and this is reflected in the number of collisions reported,” he said.

As traffic declined, LESA’s officers were asked to assist other government departments to provide essential services, such as the delivery of medicines to vulnerable people who cannot leave the house.

LESA’s community officers have also been making about 35 grocery deliveries a day all over the country to people under mandatory quarantine.  

Zammit appealed to motorists to remain cautious even though there are fewer cars on the road.

That appeal was echoed by the Malta Road Safety Council:

“The council wishes to take this opportunity to reiterate the importance of respect towards other road users and compliance to the rules for safety to be upheld on a regular basis,” it said in a statement. 

It warned against “abusive behaviour by a few who are prepared to risk their lives and those of others using the roads as a means to drive fast”.

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