Fgura’s main road, Triq Hompesch, along with 13 other streets and squares, will undergo renovations to enhance pedestrian accessibility as part of the Vjal Kulħadd (Everyone’s Boulevard) initiative.
The initiative, which falls under Infrastructure Malta, has a budget of €10 million.
Transport Minister Chris Bonett and Infrastructure Malta officials said on Wednesday that works are planned in 14 locations, covering 100,000m2, by 2026. Some projects will be finished this year. Another two-year phase is being planned.
For busy Triq Hompesch, the plan includes more trees, improved pedestrian access, and moving power lines underground.
Fgura Mayor Clayton Cascun Portelli hailed the plans for his locality as 'the way forward.
The Vjal Kulħadd initiative - which was launched in September - enables local councils to apply for projects to make village squares and residential streets safer and more pleasant to walk and cycle in.
Works have already begun on Triq Żabbar, the road that connects Żejtun and Żabbar.
Around 40 local councils have applied for works in their localities.
Transport Minister Chris Bonett said the idea was not to change everything, but to create a better transport system.
He hoped that the works would receive the same positive reception as the works on Triq Żabbar.
Listing the planned works, Infrastructure Malta CEO Steve Ellul said Triq Oscar Zammit, Msida, the road in front of the Junior College, will be closed during particular periods to give priority to pedestrians.
“This initiative is important to us because we shall be opening the streets for people,” Ellul said.
The initiative will also include a ten-year maintenance agreement, allowing local councils to apply for maintenance works on these projects.

These are all the locations where works will be carried out:
- Triq Hompesch, Fgura
- Triq Oscar Zammit, Msida
- Pjazza Tumas Dingli, Attard
- Triq Emvin Cremona and ix-Xatt iċ-Ċangatura, Floriana
- Triq il-Poetra Nazzjonali, Żebbuġ
- Triq Selmun, Mellieħa
- Pjazzetta Anġlu Gatt, Mosta
- Triq John Adye, Naxxar
- Misraħ Is-Saqqaja, Rabat
- Misraħ il-Knisja, Safi
- Triq Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi, Siġġiewi
- Triq San Tumas, Tarxien
- Misraħ Ħal Kirkop, Kirkop
- Misraħ Santa Maria, Żurrieq.