FIMBank p.l.c. has announced the system upgrade of its digital banking platform, FIMBank Direct. The system upgrade comes with enhanced functionality and an improved user interface, promoting better user experience for corporate customers.

This recent development enables access to the FIMBank Direct system across all devices including desktop, mobile and tablet. The FIMBank Direct digital banking platform is complemented by a sophisticated authentication app aimed at ensuring a secure banking experience.

Another key feature introduced within the new FIMBank Direct digital banking platform is the main dashboard which is now fully integrated, enabling clients to manage their FIMBank accounts more effectively, promoting improved navigation.

Additional features such as quick links and widgets have also been incorporated within the FIMBank Direct digital banking platform, enabling access to commonly used functions such as payments, bulk file uploads and opening of fixed term deposits.

This latest investment is consistent with the Bank’s customer-centric approach to deliver a better experience to both its international and local clients. Through FIMBank Direct, corporate customers can benefit from competitive interest rates on both Euro and USD fixed term deposits. The system also offers corporate customers the facility to execute a wide range of payments in a large list of tradable currencies.

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