FinanceMalta will be holding the first in a series of free webinars to support the financial services industry during these unprecedented times.

The webinar, which will be held on Wednesday, June 3 at 2pm, will provide insight on the financial services industry in the challenging scenario created by COVID-19.

The theme of the FinanceMalta webinar is ‘The role of financial services in moving Malta’s economy in a COVID-19 situation’ and will provide the views of two leading figures in the Maltese economy, namely Kurt Farrugia, CEO at Malta Enterprise, and Gordon Cordina, economist at E-Cubed Consultants.

Following an introduction by FinanceMalta’s senior manager of business development, Andrea Nurchi, and a speech by chairman Rudolph Psaila, participants will be addressed by Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services and Digital Economy, Clayton Bartolo.

The webinar is aimed at all players in the financial services industry, entrepreneurs, students and anyone interested in knowing how the challenges posed by the pandemic are being tackled from an economic perspective.

During the event, several topics will be covered, such as the current situation of the financial services industry and how it has been impacted by COVID-19, the role of the industry in stabilising the economy in a post-pandemic scenario, as well as the economic measures taken to face the pandemic. There will be a particular focus on the role that Malta Enterprise played in supporting and sustaining the economy, and the way forward.

The webinar, which is free to attend and will last one hour, will also feature a question-and-answer session with the speakers.

For more information and to register, visit:

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