A trapper was yesterday handed a suspended sentence and fined for assaulting two Birdlife volunteers in August, leaving one of them needing dental surgery.

Johnsilv Galea admitted punching conservation manager Nicholas Barbara and Nicola Piludu after spotting them with a camera.

Mr Barbara told the court that he and his colleague were accosted by the man, his father, Raymond, and his brother Joseph while on a public path. He recalled that while they were in Delimara, they heard bird callers and walked towards the sound, spotting bird traps over a wall.

As he was instructing Mr Piludu to film it, Mr Barbara saw the men approaching.

They asked the conservationists to step into the field but Mr Barbara declined, pointing out that they could see what they needed from outside.

Mr Barbara was punched twice and suffered two chipped teeth, while Mr Piludu was knocked to the ground.

The magistrate noted that the accused did not seem very sorry for his actions, adding that he had five previous convictions.

The court imposed a €200 fine on Raymond, Joseph and Johnsilv Galea, aside from ordering them to pay Mr Barbara’s €270 dentist bill.

Johnsilv Galea was handed a two-month sentence suspended for two years for relapsing.

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