The first group of Missio Malta volunteers in three years has left Malta to carry out missionary work. Volunteer groups in foreign countries had been stopped due to the pandemic interruptions.

The 12 volunteers, led by Fr Victor Agius, left Malta for the Philippines to work on an eco-farming project, as well as the reconstruction of a Mission station which was destroyed by a volcano in 2021.

“We are extremely happy to note that we are regaining our momentum after the three years of interrupted activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For Missio Malta, the health and safety of our volunteers is of utmost priority, hence we do our best to minimise any risk possible,” Robert Farrugia, Missio Malta head of communications and fundraising, said.

The volunteers spent a number of months preparing for the mission and organised a number of events to raise funds in aid of the projects they will be working on. The projects in the Philippines are coordinated by Fr Andrew Camilleri.

The group will stay in the Philippines for 20 days.

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