Parliament on Wednesday passed the first reading of a bill to reform magisterial inquiries.
The government announced the reform late last year as a reaction to a series of magisterial inquiry requests made by lawyer and ex-PN MP Jason Azzopardi. It tabled a motion to present the bill to Parliament soon after.
In an unusual move, the Opposition said it would be opposing the bill at the first stage of parliamentary procedure, meaning that a vote was required.
In a short speech on Wednesday, PN leader Bernard Grech explained why the PN was opposing it.
"Even though we do not have a copy of the bill, we are voting against this bill".
He said the details presented by the government showed it wanted to "remove the right that an individual has to request an investigation, and so we are voting against it".
That comment was greeted by calls of "lies" and "shame" from the government benches.
The government has given scant details about what its reform will entail but on Sunday, prime minister Robert Abela said the reform will require a higher degree of evidence before such inquiries are called.
The reform will also look at other elements of the process, including giving victims and their families the right to be updated about ongoing inquiries, the way court experts are appointed, and their payment, he said.