As Famalco Group’s iGO brand continues to celebrate its journey in establishing itself as a leading ride hailing platform and service in Malta, for the month of June they are offering the public the opportunity to win €250 in cash for simply using the iGO app and booking a ride through the iGO App during the month.

The iGO application is developed with user accessibility in mind, from its easy to navigate design to its user-friendly features. The app is available for users of both Android and Apple, as they simply need to go to their online store and download it onto their devices. Once customer personal details are filled in, the application allows users to benefit from offers, select rides, set destination time, and sort out the payment method, all at the click of a button.

While the iGO brand continues to be streamlined and easily usable to everyone, vehicles of the brand have been both fitted with the latest technology ensuring customer rides are above satisfying. Each iGO vehicle is built for customer satisfaction, boasting features such as free WiFi and being piloted by trained and professional drivers, all ready to go the extra mile.

As the brand continues to grow, there will be a continuing number of exciting offers available for customers, to keep up to date and benefit, simply like the Facebook Page

For more information about iGO or any other unit of Famalco Group, visit the official iGO Facebook page or call 2339 2339 or visit www.Famalco.Net.

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