The Planning Authority's planning board has approved plans for a new 5-star hotel that will tower above the Fort Cambridge barracks in Tigne, Sliema. 

In a statement, the PA said the decision followed extensive discussions focused on preserving the 19th-century building that used to serve as a British Army officers' mess and quarters.

The building has a quadrangle layout with a sheltered internal courtyard, while its façade features neo-classical elements such as colonnades and arches.

The development plan, the PA said, initially involved the demolition of the internal structure, the southwest façade, and the courtyard façade but changes were made after discussions and consultations with various entities.

The height of the proposed new building was reduced from 134.4 metres to 100 metres to minimise its visual impact, and its envelope has been redesigned to incorporate the 19th-century military structure. The external facades will be preserved and the internal courtyard will be recreated, including the loggias.

The PA said that the plans for the hotel's main entrance and vehicular access have also been amended so that the entrance will be from Locker Street instead of the busier Tigne Road as originally proposed. 

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