A thief who admitted to stealing from a Floriana residence last month has been jailed for two years.

Hamdi Habib Mohammed Shedi, a 38-year-old Tunisian migrant living at Hal Far Tent Village was arrested after being tracked down as the suspect behind the robbery.

He was allegedly caught on CCTV footage exiting the residence on Market Street through a window, his face clearly identifiable. 

A laptop and an amount of cash exceeding €1000 was reported stolen on the night of May 23.

On Tuesday, Shedi was escorted to court under arrest and charged with aggravated theft. Assisted by an Arab-speaking interpreter the accused registered an admission.

The court, presided over by Magistrate Yana Micallef Stafrace, gave him time to reconsider, warning the accused about the implications of that guilty plea which could possibly result in effective imprisonment. 

After due reconsideration, the accused confirmed his admission. 

In light of that admission and the fact that he was charged as a recidivist, the court condemned the accused to a two-year effective jail term. 

While the accused was remanded in custody his legal aid lawyer, Adriano Spiteri, gave notice of appeal. 

AG lawyer Tilden Tabone together with Inspectors Daryl Borg and Jeffrey Rizzo prosecuted. 

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